





Become a Cybersecurity Specialist with a Degree in Cybersecurity Administration from 欧宝体育app入口

在线存储、管理和处理的数据比以往任何时候都多. 面对网络威胁, 数据泄露, 网络犯罪也在上升, 网络安全领域持续发展.  Join us to become part of the next generation of 信息安全 specialists dedicated to protecting vulnerable data from hacking and cyber-related threats in a variety of industries. 欧宝体育app入口确保您为任何行业的职业生涯做好准备, and opportunities to sit for certification exams will jumpstart your career potential!



$1.500万年 DiSepio椅子捐赠基金 提供与cs有关的设备、研究经费和奖学金



网络安全150 x150




在欧宝体育app入口, 你可以把你对计算机科学的兴趣结合起来, 信息安全, 业务, 并获得了网络安全管理学位. 

作为欧宝体育app入口项目的学生, 您将从提供的4首曲目中选择3首最适合您的兴趣.  你将从




  • offers practical experience through projects that use the latest industry-leading software, 勤工俭学, 以及实习机会;
  • is aligned with national cybersecurity professional job performance standards and frameworks;
  • 为学生提供多门考试的能力, 行业认可, 在攻读学位的同时参加认证考试.




动手学习模式: Each course is designed to focus on skill validation and includes lab exercises aligned with industry-required competencies and cybersecurity competitions. Through this hands-on  learning model you’ll develop an understanding of the various specialties in the Cybersecurity discipline and be able to demonstrate 批判性思维 skills to resolve real-world problems.  


认证的机会: Our program provides opportunities to take multiple 行业认可 certification exams, 例如AccessData Certified Examiner®认证.


提交的资源: 1美元.500万年 DiSepio椅子捐赠基金 provides 计算机科学 and Cybersecurity students up-to-date, 高科技设备和科研经费,从事真正的项目. The Endowment also provides scholarships to 计算机科学 and Cybersecurity students.


先进的设施: You’ll have access to the program’s dedicated programming classroom and the DiSepio 计算机科学 student lounge which facilitates student teams’ design and programming activities.


行业: Our program is aligned with national cybersecurity professional job performance standards and frameworks, 以及行业需求, 并符合联邦和国家标准, 例如国家网络安全教育倡议(NICE).

课程 & 课程


在教学中要保护学生的隐私, 完整性, and availability of information and information systems that support modern organizations and drive our society, students receive a comprehensive education in the fundamentals of information systems.


  • 度路径
  • 学习目标
  • 网络安全管理局.S. 

    课程目录- 23/24



    You will choose 9 credits from 3 of our 4 offered tracks (totaling 27 credits) in order to complete your degree 




    计算机科学辅修课程目录- 23/24
    网络安全小课程目录- 23/24


  • 作为欧宝体育app入口网络安全管理课程的毕业生,您将能够:

    • Use 行业认可 software and hardware to conduct digital forensic investigations that comply with the standard methodology and investigative process.
    • 对计算机网络有基本的了解, 操作系统, 文件系统, 以及与数字调查相关的设备.
    • 理解并运用法律, 程序上的, and ethical requirements related to the acquisition and analysis of digital evidence.
    • 展示交流, 批判性思维, 推理, 以及解决现实问题的能力, 与网络安全相关的场景和问题独立或作为团队的一部分.
    • 在你选择的领域出类拔萃, demonstrated by your success on certain certification examinations and on projects within their classes.


Our faculty is comprised of industry professionals that specialize in either cybercrime or digital forensics.  他们致力于在工作场所教授当前的最佳实践.  欧宝体育app入口的教师在处理复杂的在线调查方面有经验, 渗透测试, 道德黑客, 暗网.  


系主任: Dr. 雷切尔•瓦格纳 rwagner@inonezl.com, 814.471.1215

项目负责人: Dr. 凯文•Slonka kslonka@inonezl.com, 814.472.2285



随着网络威胁变得越来越普遍, 网络安全领域持续快速发展. 事实上,根据网络安全企业的说法,需求.2013年至2021年期间,该公司的业务增长了350%.  美国的分析师.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics project  28% employment growth from 2016 to 2026 for 信息安全 analysts.


Our Cybersecurity Administration program will prepare you for careers in sectors such as:

  • 联邦和州政府机构
  • 公司
  • 银行和金融机构
  •  资讯科技部门
  • 执法
  • 卫生保健设施和
  • 医院


  • 网络安全与计算机科学有何不同?

    Cybersecurity is a specialization for students that want a career in protecting computer networks from attacks. 相比, 计算机科学在本质上更具技术性和广泛性, 包括与计算机和计算有关的一切, 包括安全,也包括编程, 网络, 和更多的.

  • 哪些专业可以补充网络安全管理?

    尽管CSA适用于任何学生, it complements well with a variety of other programs available at Saint 弗朗西斯:


    计算机科学: A degree in Cybersecurity Administration and a minor or second major in 计算机科学 are perfectly paired. Add the depth of programming and 网络 from computer science and put these skills to use in your future Cybersecurity career.




    刑事司法: A degree in Cybersecurity Administration and a minor or second major in 刑事司法 will set you up very well to put your Cybersecurity skills to use shutting down those who seek to do harm to our connected world.


    管理资讯系统欧宝体育app入口的信息管理系统将网络安全与计算机科学和商业相结合, 为您在信息管理中心担任领导角色做好准备. Pairing MIS with Cybersecurity Administration is a great way to develop expertise.


    数学: A degree in Cybersecurity Administration and a minor or second major in 数学 allow you to explore the theoretical principles and joy of 数学 and gain a very marketable skill-set in CSA.

    与业务相关的项目欧宝体育app入口的项目是从商业角度来看待网络安全的. Having a minor or second major in a 业务-related program  particularly advantageous for students who are interested in both 业务 and 信息安全. 所有企业都需要知道如何保护信息安全的人!


  • 什么是SFU的“游戏俱乐部”?



    The gaming club was formed by a group of friends in the 计算机科学 program who shared a love of video games. The club incorporates tabletop games such as “Dungeons and Dragons” and “Magic: The Gathering,,以及直播派对游戏,如《欧宝体育app入口》(Super Smash Bros).《欧宝体育app入口》和《欧宝体育app入口》.” Throughout the year, the club puts on fun events such as movie nights and board game nights. The club also does various fundraising events each semester partnering with different charities. 

  • SFU有电子竞技吗?

    是的! SFU电子竞技在最高水平上具有竞争力! 如果你感兴趣, 看看欧宝体育app入口的节目! Lots of our Cyber and Comp Sci students are also part of Esports (but it’s not a requirement!).    




关于Joseph and Marguerite DiSepio计算机科学讲座

这1美元.500万年 Endowment provides a rich set of resources and opportunities including:


  • DiSepio计算机科学奖学金,
  • Funding for Undergraduate 研究 for students as early as the freshman year mentored by 计算机科学 and Cybersecurity faculty.
  • The DiSepio Information Assurance Laboratory: a dedicated space for CS majors to work and play, 配备了增强的技术资源. 

由欧宝体育app入口校友于2001年创立, 58岁的约瑟夫和60岁的玛格丽特, the endowment is committed to raising the level of excellence within the computer science and cybersecurity department. 捐赠基金为教师发展提供资金, 一个杰出的系列讲座, 学生实习项目, 并在安全与信息保障领域进行研究与实践.